
If you’re looking to start a fitness routine, or just want to add some strength training and flexibility into your daily life, Snap Fitness might be the way to go. The company offers a basic membership plan that lets you join up with a friend and get unlimited 30-day access to its state-of-the-art facilities in major cities across the country. If you’re not sure how much it costs or what kind of discounts you can expect from this gym, read on!

How much is Snap Fitness per month?

The cost of Snap Fitness membership depends on the plan you choose. You can choose from different pricing tiers, which include:

  • Basic – $9.99 per month
  • Select – $14.99 per month
  • Premium (unlimited classes) – $16.99 per month

What’s included in a Snap Fitness membership?

  • Access to all Snap Fitness locations: You can use your membership at any of the company’s five fitness centers in New York City, including the flagship location on Broadway.
  • Access to all Snap Fitness equipment: You’ll be able to access all of their machines, including treadmills, elliptical and rowers.
  • Access to all Snap Fitness classes: You’ll be able to attend any class offered by the gym or one of its partner studios. This includes cardio kickboxing sessions led by celebrity trainer Tony Horton (of “The Biggest Loser” fame), Pilates classes taught by star instructor Chrissy Teigen and spinning sessions led by trainer Jessica Smith-Hernandez (a former competitor on NBC’s “America’s Got Talent”). The only catch? Most classes are limited in size—so if you want one that caters specifically towards beginners or advanced exercisers alike…you’ll have wait until it fills up!

Can you freeze your Snap Fitness membership?

If you find that a particular exercise is not working for you, it’s easy to freeze your membership for up to three months.

  • You can freeze your membership if you are on active duty in the military.
  • You can also freeze your membership if:
  • you’re a student, and want to use the time between semesters or summers;
  • you’re moving, so that no one has access to their card during this period of time; or
  • you have another major life event that requires additional support from Snap Fitness (like caring for an aging parent).

What discounts does Snap Fitness offer?

  • Discounts for military, retirees and students:
  • Discounts for memberships of 2 or more people:
  • Auto-pay discounts:
  • Discounts for paying in full at the time of purchase :

Can you use Snap Fitness without a membership?

You can use Snap Fitness without a membership, but you’ll need to pay per visit. The gym is open 24 hours a day and 365 days per year, so you can access any equipment at any time. However, since it’s not part of any membership program, there are some limitations:

  • You cannot use the pool or cardio room (though this might be an option for most people).
  • The Spin Studio is only available during class times and requires a pass purchased from the front desk before each class begins (which costs $10).

A basic Snap Fitness membership for one person costs less than $40 per month, depending on the location

The cost of a Snap Fitness membership depends on the location, number of people in your household and whether you choose to pay month-to-month or prepay for a year.

  • A basic Snap Fitness membership costs for 1 person less than $40 per month, depending on the location.
  • If you have more than one person in your home who wants to join, it’s possible that the cost could be higher if they have no intention of using their membership regularly and instead plan on only occasionally checking out classes with friends or family members at their local gym. This might be especially true if someone else has already paid for their own membership without realizing that this person would also need one too!


If you’re interested in trying out Snap Fitness, it’s important to know what your options are. There are many different plans and membership types available, so it can be confusing to figure out whether or not something is right for you. To get started on finding the right program for yourself or someone else, click here to see our list of all the options!