1. Introduction to The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice

Lower back pain is a common condition faced by people of all ages. Orthopaedic surgery, treatments, and interventions are effective in targeting the cause of back pain and alleviating symptoms. If the pain is experienced while standing or walking, it may be caused by muscle exhaustion. It can also be a medical condition like spinal stenosis or degenerative disc disease. Lower back strain treatment is available at the Orthopaedic and Pain Practice in Singapore.

2. Minimally Invasive Orthopaedic Treatments

Minimally invasive spine treatments (MIST) were developed in the 1990s with the aim of reducing muscle trauma from traditional open surgery. If you’re experiencing lower back pain constantly, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions or diseases. Only an orthopaedic surgeon can help identify these. The Orthopaedic and Pain Practice offers a wide variety of surgical and non-surgical treatments by a team of professionals to handle your lower back pain. Minimally invasive procedures can be performed on various joints, including the knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and ankle. Common minimally invasive orthopaedic surgeries include arthroscopic repairs of sports injuries, microscopic treatment of complex joint issues, and even total joint replacement. These procedures can often be done as outpatient surgeries, enabling patients to return home the same day.

3. Open Surgery Options for Lower Back Pain

It is important that you feel your surgery was indicated by your symptoms and signs and helps you incapacitating back pain. All surgical procedures have a success rate and risk profile, and this should be explained to you by your surgeon. The decision to proceed with surgery is your decision, with the help and support of your surgeon and family.

Spinal Fusion Spinal fusion is widely used for spondylolisthesis and other spine problems. This is a procedure which involves joining two or more vertebrae together. This is usually done using bone graft from the pelvis and metal rods and screws.

Lumbar Laminectomy involves removing the bone that presses on the spinal nerves. This may involve a small area, but usually is done over a larger area of the spine.

Lumbar Discectomy involves removal of a fragment of the intervertebral disc which is pressing on the spinal nerve root. A discectomy may be recommended if you have leg pain which has not settled within six weeks and is caused by a particular disc herniation.

4. Lower Back Pain Treatment Stretches

To understand back pain, remember that movements are the key to recovery. A proper home exercise program is essential to restoring normal back motion and health of the spinal discs. It also helps in toning and conditioning of the back and abdominal muscles. Stop performing any exercise that causes sharp back pain. Each exercise should be performed slowly 5-10 times. It’s not a race. Strive for slow and steady improvement. If it is easy to do, then it is easy to overdo. As your back improves, increase the holding time for each exercise to further enhance back stability and endurance. Remember that these are general back exercises and they may not be suitable for all patients. It is advised that you seek the assistance of your doctor or physiotherapist before attempting any of the following exercises. Lower back pain treatment stretches may help in alleviating pain, but your orthopaedic surgeon will help you create a personalized treatment plan for your unique needs.

5. Effective Weight Lifting Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Another form of treatment for certain types of lower back pain is a work-conditioned rehabilitation program. This is particularly useful for patients who are unable to take time off of work and those who cannot avoid heavy lifting. Patients are educated about how their activities affect their back and then shown correct ways to perform everyday tasks, including lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, and general activities around the home. This form of treatment has shown to be more beneficial for chronic and recurrent back pain, as shown in the three studies published in the Spine Journal. The aim is to increase physical health through improvement in work and functional capacity, thereby improving psychosocial outcomes and preventing work loss. This can reduce unnecessary pain behavior and movement patterns that patients may develop if they are inactive or afraid of further injuring their back during their work or leisure activities. This method is successful in preventing future occurrences of back pain. An orthopaedic surgeon can help patients find more information and advice about lower back pain weight lifting treatment by evaluating the patient’s condition, identifying the cause of the pain, and recommending appropriate treatment options