
NESTA is the leading organization in the personal fitness training industry. Our mission is to increase public health through education of people interested in becoming personal trainers. We’ve been providing courses and certifications since 1987, but we’re also constantly improving our programs to keep up with modern health trends and developments in the field of personal fitness training. That’s why we offer our courses online so that you can take them anywhere at any time!

The NESTA personal fitness trainer certification course is done 100% online.

NESTA  personal fitness trainer certification. This means that you can take the course from anywhere in the world, 24/7 and come back to where you left off when needed. If you’re not sure if this is right for you, please check out our website first! We also have a free 30-day trial so that anyone can try out our programs before deciding whether or not they want to pay for them.

If after looking around at all of our courses and seeing how easy it would be for someone like yourself (or even someone who has never done anything like this before) then we encourage taking advantage of this offer!

You can think of your course as a set of video lectures and study guides, if you like.

The course is designed to be an easy-to-understand and comprehensive guide to the bodyweight fitness system. You will learn how to get started with this method, as well as:

  • How to build muscle from scratch
  • How to build strength, endurance and flexibility in your body
  • How to improve your overall health by reducing stress levels, increasing energy levels and improving sleep patterns

Take advantage of this opportunity now! By enrolling in this program today, you’ll have access not only to all of our videos but also an extensive library of study guides created by esteemed trainers such as David Kirsches (founder of New York City’s famous Cross Fit “Box”) & Joe DE Franco (creator of YouTube channel Fitness Blender).

The course is equivalent to 60 hours of self-study, but we don’t require you to spend any minimum amount of time on the course.

NESTA is a leader in the fitness education industry because it’s one of the few courses that offers you unlimited access. The course is equivalent to 60 hours of self-study, but we don’t require you to spend any minimum amount of time on the course. You can take as long as you need to complete it and come back whenever your schedule allows!

You’ll also have plenty of breaks throughout your studies—and since NESTA does not require payment until after completing all lessons, there are no late fees or penalties if you choose not take them (or even if they’re included).

This course and the certification exam have been approved by the NCCA which is the highest national standard for certifying personal trainers.

NESTA’s personal fitness trainer certification program has been approved by the NCCA, which is the highest national standard for certifying personal trainers. The NCCA is an independent, non-profit organization that assesses certification programs and awards accreditation to those that meet its standards. NESTA’s program has been accredited by this national authority since 2003 with no exceptions made for any reason whatsoever!

After completing the exam and becoming a Certified Personal Trainer through

NESTA, you will be eligible to join one of these organizations, too!

After completing the exam and becoming a Certified Personal Trainer through NESTA, you will be eligible to join one of these organizations, too!

If you want to become an instructor at your local gym or fitness center, NESTA offers the certification for that. You can get certified in CPR and first aid as well. If you are interested in nutrition and health coaching, then this is also something that NESTA has available for you. They offer certifications in weight loss management along with nutrition coaching skills training which may help individuals lose weight more effectively than ever before (and keep it off).

The course covers anatomy, physiology and kinesiology topics in great detail, far more than what you will find in other certification programs.

NESTA is a leader in the fitness industry, and we provide our students with the most comprehensive, practical course available. Our training covers anatomy, physiology and kinesiology topics in great detail—far more than what you will find in other certification programs.

We teach over 250 exercise techniques in this program to make sure that you know how to help your clients safely and effectively reach their goals.

As a result of all this knowledge being crammed into one place at one time (and remember: you can take it on-demand), it’s easy for anyone who wants to start working as a personal trainer or gym owner: no matter where they live or work, they can quickly become qualified by taking just one-weekend course!

Anatomy, physiology and kinesiology are all important topics for personal trainers because we need to understand how our clients’ bodies work and what kinds of exercises they can perform safely and effectively while working with us.

The human body is a complex system, consisting of many different parts and systems. Our bodies have many different functions that we need to understand in order to be able to help our clients reach their goals.

There are many different aspects of anatomy, physiology and kinesiology that you will want to know about when it comes time for you to become a personal trainer or fitness instructor.

These topics include:

Anatomy – This includes how all the parts of your body work together as well as how they look when they’re viewed from outside looking in (e.g., X-ray). It also includes knowledge about joints and ligaments; bones; muscles; tendons; nerves; organs (heart); lymph nodes; blood vessels(arteries) veins capillaries arteries veinlet’s arteriole arterioles venue vena cava

We teach over 250 exercise techniques in this program to make sure that you know how to help your clients safely and effectively reach their goals.

The NESTA program is designed to teach you over 250 exercise techniques in great detail. These techniques are taught in order to help you help your clients reach their goals, and each one is explained in easy-to-understand language that will stay with you long after the class ends.

As an added bonus, you get a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification when you finish your course and register as a NESTA Certified Personal Trainer.

As an added bonus, you get a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification when you finish your course and register as a NESTA Certified Personal Trainer. The CPR certification will allow you to use it to help you get hired at any gym or health club that offers personal training services.

You can also use it in conjunction with other certifications such as the National Exercise Recall (NER) or American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification by taking additional courses through NESTA’s partner schools.

The test lasts about 15 minutes and costs $25 USD per individual who wants their own personal trainer certification card from NESTA’s partner schools around the world.


If you’re looking for a personal trainer certification course, then NESTA is the right place for you. We offer many different programs to help you get started in your new career as a personal trainer, including our basic 10-hour program or our more advanced 40-hour course that includes anatomy physiology and kinesiology topics in great detail.